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OK, don't let the title of this posting scare you. It simply means that my MS-related health has entered a stable phase with little, if any further noticeable change in my MS health status. Today is my three year HSCT "birthday" and I continue to be grateful that I have regained my future that prior to three years ago was quite uncertain. As for my current post-transplantation status, I'm pretty much the same as I was at two years post-transplantation. All this is actually nothing but good news in that my underlying MS disease activity & progression remains 100% stopped and have additionally retained the substantial improvement (50% reduction of EDSS) of my pre-existing MS symptoms. This is precisely the way Dr. Richard Burt describes what happens to many post-HSCT MS'ers in the first 45 seconds of the following video. . .
So what this all means is that basically, just as anticipated, I have experienced substantial symptomatic improvements in the first two years following my transplantation. And although my disease is still 100% stopped today, I haven't 'noticed' any additional improvements since my two year posting (hence the words "hitting the wall" in the title). So if you would like the details of my current status, please read my 2 year posting which is an accurate description of where I still sit today; still cured of MS and I have a reasonable expectation this will endure for the remainder of my life. It is clear to me today that based upon the accelerating progression of my pre-transplantation MS disease activity and accumulating disability, today I would be quite close, if not actually in, a wheelchair if it were not for HSCT. I'm now confident in stating that HSCT has prevented this from happening.
Overall I'm very happy that I had HSCT and am quite satisfied with the result, even if I don't experience any further improvements beyond what I have already experienced. Mainly I am still wonderfully happy today that I have no underlying MS disease activity or progression and do not take any kind of MS immunomodulator drugs of any kind. Nor do I see a neurologist any longer after having vanquished my MS. Having previously done so is just becoming a distant memory. As is the case for most people in a similar situation, I have absolutely no regrets for having undergone HSCT to cure my MS. You will only see gratitude on my face.
If you or someone you know is interested to seek HSCT to cure MS (or other hematologically-rooted autoimmune disease, of which there are many), please join our Facebook group forum "Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for MS and autoimmune diseases." There are many people participating that have already received, are planning to receive or helping someone else to receive HSCT for their respective autoimmune disorder. It is a great forum to ask questions, present information, ask or learn about how HSCT treatment can help a great number of people that are curable with HSCT treatment. It is a closed group (to lock out spammers) but if you enter your name we will approve you. Here is the site. . . .
Likely I will make a few more postings before my 4 year Birthday. For now, a Happy and Prosperous New Year wish to everyone. Be healthy!
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